I am stuck. I feel jealous and petty and ungrateful and small. I see
the success of others and rather than send love and admiration, I am
seeing green. It's making me angry. Angry at everyone. Angry mostly at
myself. I am too old to be jealous. I am tired, as a clear eyed person
observed recently (which also made me angry) of being stuck in
misery. I know that the anger is sourced somewhere. It doesn't create
itself. It is created from disappointment, from inertia, from the
feeling--however unjustified--of powerlessness. And that is where it can
turn. Because I am not powerless. I am strong. I am not young, but I
am certainly not old So, that green monster can become energy and I can
put that energy towards what I want. Just put all of that fucking
energy into the WANT. And there I stop dead in my tracks. Because in
the middle of the night, when all of the demands and pressures of the
day are distant and I ask myself what that deep desire that eats me up
inside is, I come up empty. I have no idea. I see a black starless sky
and it holds no answers. I know what society says I want. I know what
my actions say I want. I know what I am ostensibly working towards and
that I should build upon the considerable success of the recent past. I
SHOULD want that but, what is it? What is the actual thing or state of
being or space that I yearn for....I cannot identify it. It remains
this aching void that I keep trying to fill; with work, with movement,
with the occasional purchase of a blouse or scarf or a fierce vegan
leather jacket (an oxymoron if ever there was.....). And that makes me
mad. That constant attempt to fill enrages me. A circular rage that
returns, because I don't deserve to be angry. There is nothing to be
angry at or about, which is infuriating. The truth is that much of the time I do feel
inspired in the moment of creation or while teaching or running or
certainly while dancing. When I let that inspiration in, it feels great.
It's later that there is that gnawing ache and vague sense that it is
all worthless or hopeless and that sensation that pricks at my heart is
accompanied by a whispering voice that says that I'm failing. That
whatever it is that I am reaching for, it won't work. That no matter how fast I run, dance, teach, create....it will not be enough. That cannot be true. I must want something real. There must be something or someone or someplace that I will get or meet or be and that THING will touch something deep inside my being and say yes. Yes, this is it. That tiny whispering, taunting, insufferable voice cannot be the last word. I am too angry for that. I am determined to slow down and prove that fucker wrong.
This is not a flattering self portrait. I understand that. In rereading it I see pettiness and dissatisfaction, qualities that I might judge if I saw them in someone else, and certainly judge in seeing them here. There is an honesty though in saying I don't know; I don't know what I want or who I am, but this, this person who runs so fast during the day and is sad and alone at night, this is not my core and I will change that. If anger is the source of that change, so be it.
My dear friend Jamie wrote a similarly themed, but much more eloquent piece on this subject which was published on one of my favorite blogs. You can read it here: Like Mad
I wrote that piece after getting off the phone with one of our dear mutual friends. Who echoed the sentiment of feeling mad...but not wanting to feel it.
How would it be to just feel mad...to let the anger and jealousy and shit run amok? Would it swamp you or do you fear that? Cause I think maybe, you need to be mad. For a minute at least. This is a timely post for all of us Nancy. Maybe it's the world...I suspect it's a mid life awareness/awakening of sorts. I've been sitting and journaling on the same issues. I AM SHOCKED. After 40 some odd years of journaling and thinking I knew what I wanted...I hit on it TODAY. I was writing about what I want my home to look like. And all of sudden...what I really want came through. Not just in home furnishings. WHAT I WANT TO FEEL LIKE EVERYDAY. I don't know how to explain exactly...since it just happened. But how do you want to FEEL? Ima work backwards I think. I got the feeling and that's a lot easier to trace shit back and figure a lot more out.
I AM NOT ADVISING. Please don't take that as such. I'm still amazed the Universe put me in charge of a small child. I just thinking here for you to see. I love you!!!!
And I love you.
I am so glad I saw this! What a beautiful, brave way to express what we ALL feel some time or another. The fact that you are acknowledging it shows what kind of amazing person you are. Do you know how many people deny what they feel throughout life? You know you don't want to always feel like this and that you are actively working your way towards feeling better. I say you are on the right track for sure. Yes, we each have our own paths. Just the other day I was admiring but also feeling envious of Lena Dunham's success. I think she's smart as a whip and fearless. And I was not that at her age. But I can't judge myself for that. I came from that. I try to concentrate on what I am doing now. As I know you do too. And I agree completely - anger is empowering and leads to change.
We should all profit from your honesty. You are a woman of many talents Nancy! Just when I think I know them all, you come out with being a writer too!
Nancy-- I smell what you're stepping in, lady. That particular scent is all too familiar to me. And oh, Jen Weaver, I have watched Lena Dunham (and countless others) with the SAME exact mixed (violent) feelings. It's human, it's called being alive and looking around, and we have to embrace it. But it feels pretty rough sometimes. Better than feeling nothing, though, no...? NDO-- 3:30. We drink coffee, we shoot the shit, we hatch some plans. Until then, thanks for this post. Helps to know I'm not the only one out here with these same thoughts and emotions.
I am mad, too. I am trying to just BE with it, and then, magically, sometimes I am less mad. You are a gift. remember that. ♥
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