Monday, July 19, 2010

Mixed Messages...

OMG. I put up a picture, wrote a short bio and description and I'm getting all of these emails and winks and lists and such. I still haven't paid the piper, so I have no way to access this rich assortment of male admiration know. It does sort of feel good in a way. It is nice to realize that people think you are attractive. I mean, especially in the industry in which I reside. I rarely feel that positive energy coming my way. Yet, I am finding it strangely annoying in a way. I remember a conversation I had with a friend a while back. We were talking about putting out the right energy to attract people or men or whatever. I realize that, though I may dress nicely and want people to look at me, when they actually do my reaction is "WTF are you looking at?????" That is the reaction that I am having at this moment to the multitude of winks and emails filling up my inbox. Wow, WTF and go away. Slightly mixed messages, don't you think??

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