Sunday, February 10, 2013

she asked.....

how is it


is it possible for a heart to break, not once, but over and over.....

each night as the clouds gather and the dusk falls

and the temperature drops and the nicks and tiny slights of the day add up

is it possible that those miniscule little hurts could break something as strong as a heart

over and over and over and over and over again?

no one answered.

her throat closed and tears welled up

and it hurt for real

in her heart

and head

the tips of her fingers and down to the depths

of what?

her soul....

melodramatic are we not???

the wind whispered and the house echoed the silly question

the heart breaks each evening and over night it heals, cracked and battered

but sewn back up into one piece by morning


laughter....soft and sweet.

so that it can be broken again. 

but of course.